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About Me 

Growing up in Taiwan, our culture is always to find the root cause, rather than just treating the symptoms. This mentality saved me one evening, March 2020, when I collapsed in my bathroom. The damage was not physical, however, it felt like my whole body had given up, the circuits in my body were lighting up causing me to hyperventilate and grasping for air. My heart was beating like thunders and lightening was ready to strike.

I had a panic attack. Some may think that is not a big deal. But it goes so much deeper than the panic attack itself. In that sheer moment, I remember saying this to myself: “I cannot go through this again.” In that split second I thought there was no way out of my suffering.

I realized I had barely touched the surface, I had been only treating the symptoms. I found the root cause: after many years of stressed related personal events, I was conditioned to live in fear. Fear of losing control, identity, reputation, love, worth. The base of this fear is my long presiding “normal” response to everything: stress & anxiety. I was addicted to suffering. How? Ask the military, first responders, ER doctors and my fellow hospitality veterans, your typical day for some people is extremely difficult but you feed off on that, why? We are addicted to the stress. It is rewarding in the moments that you are recognized as calm and collected, but in the long term, is that even healthy for your heart, body, and soul? 

“Everybody goes through that” is exactly the problem. We normalize something that is causing many internal/external problems these days: stress-related chronic heart diseases, obesity, depression, eating disorder, separation, hatred, indifference, resentment, and the list goes on. Don’t we want to live wholeheartedly and joyfully?

I researched, practiced, and studied the cause, and non-medical solutions for anxiety. In the process of healing and finding the answers to my mental wellness. I realized I walked the walk and now I want to talk the talk. Stress/Anxiety, depression have become our daily life thought patterns. I was given a second chance at living. Are you ready to change the pattens and have a second chance of living a transformed, joyful life?

Yushine Wellness was born from my own journey of navigating the chaos of a highly demanding life with low personal self-esteem, I've experienced the transformative power of personal development in unlocking true potential.


My approach is personal, relatable, and rooted in genuine understanding. Yushine Wellness prioritizes the well-being of individuals, especially those in the hustle of life - busy moms, individuals over 40, and those immersed in the intensive service industry. I've walked in your shoes in shapes and forms and understand the challenges you face.

Are you ready, to be the game changer?

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